Armin Danesh (author), Alison Assiter (author)
The book is a contribution to the literature on refugees, spanning politics, sociology, philosophy, psychology, psycho-social studies and also post-colonial studies. Its focus is on the qualitative research of Armin Danesh on nine political refugees from Iran and also on his own story as a political refugee. It offers an outline of a refugee experience which demonstrates their strength and resilience and their agency in their new country. It therefore offers a distinct challenge to the literature that tends to stigmatise refugees as a 'problem' to be pushed to one side or as victims, to be cared for and helped. Finally its focus on the fight of these refugees for justice and human rights as well as rights for women in their country of origin - Iran - challenges those post-colonial theorists who view the discourse of human rights as a westo-centric and problematic discourse.
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 9781538161388
Number of pages: 182
Weight: 481 g
Dimensions: 228 x 161 x 18 mm